This instructable should cost you no money, assuming that you already have an eyetoy. They eyetoy is missing a driver, when plugged in your computer will recognize that it is a picture/video device but not that it is a webcam, you need to install a driver that will allow your computer to recognize it as a webcam and use it as one. A driver basically allows your computer to communitcate with other software. Essencially what we will be doing is installinga new driver, if you don't know what that is I will explain. If I find any drivers for Windows 7 and XP I will update this post, however I have heard that the Vista driver is compatible with XP systems. Okay, so in this instructable we will be turning an Eyetoy into a webcam for Windows Vista. Drivers Update Tool Information This utility contains the only official version for EyeToy USB camera Namtai Driver for Windows XP/7/Vista/8/8.1/10 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista.